There are not enough Alcoholic States to make this up. And I never told anyone that you were not welcome when we visited Cally. I just would not let any of my girls sleep in there with you and June Austin and Ruth Ritchie. I did give one of my children the middle name of Ruth, cannot explain that to this day. I don't even know why I ever visited, but this was the only family I was given. Yes, I always wanted to be accepted and loved - but, I would never lie about this and it would be nice if someone thought of the little girl who was told to go to sleep naked so June Austin could cum between my legs before he tried to penetrate me.  I was a CHILD!

    So, if one of the men you mentioned, Jamie, who you say makes you feel safe - how do you explain the way he has treated Britney? It's the worst kind of abuse, to not only be told your crazy, but to try to make the rest of the world believe it too.


  1. I pray God gives you strength. I pray God holds you close to Him as fear and anxiety make itself present to you! I pray you find the courage to go on even when it feels like you can’t!! I pray against this den of wolves and their web of lies full of deception!!! You’re a strong woman Leigh Ann and you got this!!! 💪 I pray that your words of truth NEVER be silenced!!!! #FreeBritney


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